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Dr. Andrea Gallavotti

Dr. Andrea Gallavotti.

Dr. Andrea Gallavotti
Waksman Institute of Microbiology
Department of Plant Biology
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
190 Frelinghuysen Rd.
Piscataway, NJ 08854-8020

Waksman Institute

Department of Plant Biology

CV (PDF) Google Scholar


Dr. Andrea Gallavotti is a Professor at the Waksman Institute located on the Busch campus of Rutgers University. He is also a member of the Plant Biology Department. He obtained his PhD from the University of Milan, in Italy, under the supervision of Dr. Mario Enrico and trained as a post-doctoral fellow at the University of California San Diego in the laboratory of Dr. Robert Schmidt, and at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, under the supervision of Dr. David Jackson.

Research in our lab is focused on understanding the molecular mechanisms regulating plant architecture. We use maize as a model system for our research, and we are currently following several pathways regulating maize architecture. We are investigating how the plant hormone auxin regulates the formation of meristems, groups of undifferentiated, self-regenerating stem cells that form all branches and flowers in plants. Furthermore, our research focuses on understanding the role of transcriptional repression in regulating maize development, and how mineral nutrition affects maize development and fertility.

Title and Address:
Waksman Institute of Microbiology
Department of Plant Biology
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences,
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Primary Focus Area: Plant Development
Secondary Focus Areas: Plant Genetics and Molecular Biology

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