Horticultural Therapy, People-Plant Relationships, Rehabilitation Counseling, Vocational Rehabilitation, Vocational Evaluation and Return to Work Coordination, Green Industry Job Development/Job Placement
Plant breeding and genetic improvement; perennial grasses for turf and biofuel; inheritance of disease resistance and stress tolerance; molecular and traditional breeding approaches
Plant tissue culture/biotechnology: plant cell, tissue and organ culture – research development and production; plant micropropagation, for selected, highly valued Rutgers hybrid breeding programs
Membrane dynamics and intercellular vesicle transport (including membrane fusion; protein-lipid interactions): drug delivery/transfection technologies, nanotechnology, biofilms, spectroscopic assays and imaging
Food systems studies. Local through global food production and its ability to respond to climate change while maintaining health, the environment and economic sustainability
Plant diversity/natural products/plant breeding and genetic improvement: new crop development, plant domestication of high value crops, NonTimber Forest Species, sustainable development of indigenous resources
Global plant diversity and evolution, biogeography and spatial patterns, historic and contemporary ethnobotany and sustainable bioprospecting of natural products
Phytophthora capsici and anthracnose fruit rot control in bell and other peppers, cucurbit powdery and downy mildew control, fungicide resistance management, fungicide resistance guidelines, basil downy mildew control
Fungal biodiversity, phylogenetics and genomics; microbiomes associated with turfgrass and bioenergy plants; and molecular diagnosis of plant pathogens
Postharvest pathology and physiology of fruit and cut flowers; Plant natural products and human health, endophytic fungi, mechanisms of disease resistance