Graduate Studies

A Challenging Curriculum
The Plant Biology Graduate Program offers the master's degree without thesis (M.S.), the master's degree with thesis (M.S.), and the doctoral degree (Ph.D.). Required undergraduate preparation normally includes calculus, general and organic chemistry, physics, general biology or equivalent, genetics, and some botanical training. Students with strong academic records and other evidence of scholarly talents or promise are encouraged to apply. Submission of the Graduate Record Examination score is required and an appropriate subject test score is strongly recommended (example: biology, cell and molecular, ecology, or biochemistry). A variety of fellowships and teaching and research assistantships are available.
A Comprehensive Program

The faculty offers a comprehensive program of study and research and provides the opportunity to specialize in most fields of plant biology. Greenhouse and research facilities and equipment are extensive. Fieldwork may be performed in any of several experiment stations, farms, or research stations, as well as in a nearby primeval forest ecosystem, old field and ancient habitats. A seminar series of invited scientists provides rich opportunities for students during graduate study.
An Interdisciplinary Faculty

The faculty of the Plant Biology Graduate Program at Rutgers University is composed of members from a wide variety of disciplines. The majority of faculty members are from the Department of Plant Biology at the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences.
Departmental Affiliates
The graduate faculty is composed of members from several units, including the Departments of Plant Biology, Biochemistry and Microbiology, Ecology Evolution and Natural Resources, Landscape Architecture, Environmental Sciences, Chemistry and the Department of Biological Sciences of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences New Brunswick. Faculty may also be affiliated with the Center for Theoretical and Applied Genetics, the Waksman Institute of Microbiology, the Bureau of Biological Research and the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Turfgrass Science.
Program Director

Dr. Andrea Gallavotti
Professor, Plant Biology Graduate Program Director
The Waksman Institute of Microbiology
190 Frelinghuysen Road
Piscataway, NJ 08854-8020