Associated Centers and Resources
Associated Centers and Resources
Floriculture Greenhouses
Manager: Nicki Graf
Phone: 732-932-9301
Fax: 732-932-9441
Location: 64 Nichols Ave., New Brunswick, NJ.08901
The Floriculture Greenhouses, located on Cook Campus, provide an environment for students to engage hands-on with plants and greenhouse infrastructure. The greenhouses consist of 15,000 square feet of protected tropical and sub-tropical environments under glass and outdoor gardens, giving instructors and students the opportunity to teach and observe such as plant propagation, production, breeding, and physiology. The greenhouse’s extensive botanical collection maintains plant taxa and is accessible to the public and boasts many opportunities for experiential learning.NJAES Research Greenhouse
Director: Joseph Florentine
Phone: 732-932-9034
Fax: 732-932-9441
Location: 10 College Farm Rd., New Brunswick, NJ 08901
njaes.rutgers.edu/research-greenhouseThe New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station (NJAES) Research Greenhouse, located on Cook Campus, is a center for basic and applied research in the agricultural and natural resource sciences. It supports a diverse group of faculty from Rutgers as well as visiting researchers from universities around the world. The facility contains more than 27,000 square feet of usable greenhouse space and 14 environmental chambers for controlled environment studies, and regularly provides volunteer, employment, and experiential learning opportunities for students.
The 27,000 so. ft. computer-controlled facility is used extensively by the Plant Pathology faculty and contains the following features:
- 16 (40' X 40') greenhouse zones
- 3 (20' X 20') and 3 (10' X 20') contained greenhouse zones for transgenic plant research
- 16 state-of-the-art controlled environment chambers totaling more than 500 sq. ft. of bench space
- a large plant preparation area
Chrysler Herbarium
Director: Dr. Lena Struwe, Department of Ecology, Evolution and Natural Resources and Department of Plant Biology and Plant Pathology
Herbarium Location: Room 011, Douglass Biology Building, Douglass Campus, Rutgers University
Holdings: 117,500 plant specimen sheets are arranged and catalogued systematically, according to the Engler system of families for vascular plants. The vascular and algal plants have been pressed and dried, treated for insects, identified, annotated (in part), mounted on 100% rag-content paper, labeled with the name of species, geographical locality, collector's name, habitat, altitude, soil type, and collection date. Specimens consist of algae, mosses, lichens, and vascular plants of the world, with emphasis on New Jersey. The vascular plants are geographically listed for New Jersey on filed map cards and county cards. Rare and endangered plant species of New Jersey are mapped also. All folders reside in insect-proof steel cabinets. The former Douglass Herbarium collection (10,000 sheets) and that of Princeton University are incorporated in the Herbarium. The Willowwood Arboretum collection of cultivated trees and shrubs is housed here also.
Library: Approximately 625 books and pamphlets, including manuals, keys, and floras for many U.S. states and foreign countries.
Access: Contact Dr. Lena Struwe for visits or loan requests.Rutgers Mycological Herbarium
Director: Dr. James F. White,.Department of Plant Biology & Plant Pathology
Location: Room 011, Douglass Biology Building, Douglass Campus, Rutgers University
Holdings: The Rutgers Mycological Herbarium (RMH) has been estimated to contain more than 40,000 fungal collections. The process of data-basing the collections began June of 2000. The specimens data-based to date are available on the linked page. We will be updating the database every six months. The RMH herbarium contains the collections of the New Jersey Mycological Association. -
Core Facility
Director: Dr. Nilgun E. Tumer
Phone: 848-932-6359
Fax: 732-932-3844
Location: Foran Hall
Core Facility has been established in Foran Hall on the George H. Cook Campus that will enable our students and faculty and outside users to have access to instrumentation whose purchase and maintenance costs would be cost prohibitive for any one investigator.
The instrumentation offered at the Core Facility is grouped according to applications and include Bio-imaging, Bio-sensing, Flow cytometry, Real-time PCR, and High-throughput screening.
Natural Products and Bioanalysis Core ServicesCore Staff
Professor Qingli Wu, Core Technical Director
Phone: 848-932-6238Professor James E. Simon, Faculty Director & Distinguished Professor of Plant Biology
Phone: 848-932-6239Location: Foran Hall
59 Dudley Road, New Brunswick, NJ 08901Getting Started
The Natural Products and Bioanalysis Core provides botanical and food product authentication, adulteration, botanical integrity, nutraceuticals, food quality and safety, metabolism, bioavailability and PK studies of natural products, metabolomics and proteomic studies using our state-of-the-art analytical instrumentation of UHPLC-DAD-QTOF/MS, UHPLC-QQQ/MS, GC-QQQ/MS, LC/UV and other devices for natural products chemistry process. Our Core also focuses on basic and applied foods, flavor and aroma chemistry and product quality control.
Hemp and Cannabis Analytics
Our new hemp analysis lab provides analytics and potency testing using an Agilent 1220 LC with UV detection for quantitation of cannabinoids, including total THC and total CBD in support of research and industry needs.
We welcome visits with appointments to show you the facilities and discuss your research analytical needs.
For more information, visit: research.rutgers.edu/cores/npbc
NJAES Machine ShopContact: Joseph Florentine
Phone: 848-932-3977 or 848-932-9034
Fax: 732-932-9753
Location: 20 Ag Extension Way,.New Brunswick, NJ 08901
The NJAES Machine Shop is a service facility available to NJAES and SEBS faculty and staff. The shop has a large variety of machining and fabrication equipment. Technicians can fabricate and repair virtually any material. They can also work on wiring and plumbing associated with research equipment and apparatus. The technicians have broad experience in mechanical and electrical fabrication and repair of certain types of laboratory instruments and machinery. The shop has been providing services to the SEBS community for over fifty years.Plant Diagnostics Laboratory & Nematode Detection Service
Manager:Richard Buckley
Phone: 732-932-9140
Location: Plant Diagnostic Laboratory, Rutgers Cooperative Extension, Ralph Geiger Turfgrass Education Center, 20 Indyk-Engel Way, North Brunswick, NJ 08902
Mailing Address: Plant Diagnostic Labo ratory, Rutgers Cooperative Extension, P.O. Box 550, Milltown, NJ 08850-0550
The Plant Diagnostic Laboratory is a full-service plant health diagnostic facility sponsored by Rutgers Cooperative Extension, the outreach component of SEBS and the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station. Our mission is to provide accurate and timely diagnoses of plant health problems for the residents of New Jersey. Located on the Cook campus, the Plant Diagnostic Laboratory provides plant health diagnostic services in cooperation with Rutgers Cooperative Extension faculty and staff. There is a user fee for this service.
The Plant Diagnostic Laboratory is staffed with two full-time diagnosticians who are trained in all aspects of plant health. Seasonal employees and students assist in the lab. The Plant Diagnostic Laboratory staff works in close cooperation with Rutgers Cooperative Extension specialists, county faculty, and other university personnel, to provide accurate diagnosis and up-to-date recommendations. -
Rutgers Plant Science Research and Extension Farm (in Adelphia)
Director: Stacy Bonos
Phone: 848-932-6367
Fax: 732-932-9441
Center Mailing Address: 594 Halls Mill Rd, Freehold, NJ 07728
On-Site Phone: 732-462-9120
On-Site Fax: 732-462-5692
Turf Trailer: 732-761-9257; Fax: 732-761-9214
The Rutgers Plant Science Research and Extension Farm in Adelphia (Monmouth County) support research and extension programs directly applicable to turf, field, agronomic crops, and plant and soil interaction. The center's research is used in solving problems relating to the production of food, feed, or fiber and problems relating to environmental or aesthetic quality.Center for Controlled-Environmental Agriculture
Director: Arend-Jan Both
Phone: 732-932-9534
Fax: 732-932-7931
Office Location: Bioresource Eng. Bldg.
Center Mailing Address: 20 Ag Extension Way, New Brunswick, NJ.08901
The Center for Controlled-Environment Agriculture promotes interdisciplinary research and technology transfer of controlled-environment agriculture and greenhouse technology among industry, growers, and researchers. The center develops high-tech; environmentally sensitive systems capable of reliably producing high-value products close to consumers while conserving natural resources.Office of Continuing Professional Education
Director: Karen Plumley-Luepke
Phone: 848-932-9271
Fax: 732-932-1187
Office Location: 102 Ryders Lane, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8519
The School of Environmental and Biological Sciences (SEBS) Office of Continuing Professional Education seeks to measurably improve the quality of life of the residents of New Jersey and beyond through education and public service. Through the commitment and teamwork of our instructors and staff, we are dedicated to helping our society achieve a sustainable balance among the goals of human development, economic prosperity, and environmental quality.
The SEBS Office of Continuing Professional Education has become a nationwide leader in providing quality outreach and public service programs. By working closely with Rutgers Cooperative Extension, university faculty and staff, private industry and local, regional, and nationwide organizations, we have attracted a team of dedicated instructors who consistently exceed our customers' expectations. We strive to make quality and customer service the hallmark of our programs.Rutgers Specialty Crop Research and Extension Center
Director: Dr. Joseph Goffreda
Phone: 848-932-6372
Fax: 732-932-9441
On-Site Phone: 609-758-7311
On-Site Fax: 609-758-7085
Center Mailing Address: 238 Route #539, Cream Ridge, N.J. 80514
The Rutgers Tree Fruit Research and Extension Center in Cream Ridge (Monmouth County) conducts and disperses research applicable to the production of high-quality tree and small fruits, including apples, peaches, apricots, nectarines, brambles, strawberries, and grapes. The center increases production efficiency and protects fruit crops against environmental and biological hazards, while decreasing production costs and pesticide use.Global Institute for BioExploration (GIBEX)
Director: Dr. Ilya Raskin
Phone: 848-932-6267
Fax: 732-932-6535
Associate Director: Dr. Mary Ann Lila
Phone: 217-333-0240
GIBEX is guided by the pioneering "Reversing the Flow" paradigm intended to bring pharmacological screens to developing countries (Screens-to-Nature technology) and reverse the human 'brain drain'. GIBEX does not remove any natural resources from partnering countries. Instead, it arms scientists in these countries with innovative drug-discovery tools designed to transform forests, savannas, deserts and marshes of the world into modern pharmacological laboratories. In addition to adapting the process of drug discovery and commercialization to the needs of partnering countries, GIBEX promotes sustainable infrastructure and capacity improvements, local intellectual property ownership, conservation, educational opportunities and entrepreneurship.
US faculty and student participation: Currently GIBEX has 14 active faculty members at Rutgers from nine departments or centers and five at University of Illinois. Some of GIBEX-affiliated faculty are recognized leaders in bioexploration, known for converting their discoveries into valuable pharmaceutical products. GIBEX will actively recruit students to participate in all aspects of its activities, thus creating major educational and internationalization opportunities for Rutgers.
Member countries: The countries listed below have been visited on one or more occasion by US-based GIBEX faculty in the last 18 months and have pledged participation in GIBEX through their major universities and research institutions. Eleven of these countries have signed MOUs or LOIs with Rutgers expressing their willingness to become GIBEX participants.- Africa: Botswana, Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda
- Americas: Chile, Dominican Republic, USA
- Asia: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Israel
- Oceania: New Zealand
In addition, GIBEX will partner with the Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences (IMCS) to establish GIBEX-Oceans.
Rutgers EcoComplex - Clean Energy Innovation Center
Director: Dr. Serpil Guran
Phone: 609-499-3600 ext. 225
Fax: 609-499-3647
Center Mailing Address: 1200 Florence-Columbus Rd., Bordentown, NJ.08505
The New Jersey EcoComplex is a multi-institutional, multidisciplinary environmental center that harnesses research and education resources towards the development and industrial application of innovative environmental technologies. Our goal is to promote growth in New Jersey that is both economically viable and environmentally sustainable.
The mission of the EcoComplex is to promote economic development in the environmental arena, including the remediation and protection of environmental quality, and the compatible sectors of food and innovative agriculture. By targeting these areas with integrated programmatic thrusts in research, education and economic development, the EcoComplex provides a distinctive focus. By harnessing the strengths of multiple institutions, the EcoComplex presents an array of capabilities unique in the nation.
The EcoComplex is a partnership between Stevens Institute of Technology; Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey; the New Jersey Institute of Technology; the N.J. Department of Environmental Protection; the New Jersey Corporation for Advanced Technology; the Rutgers Small Business Development Agency; the Burlington County Resource Recovery Complex; Stockton State College; and Cumberland County College.Philip E. Marucci Center for Blueberry and Cranberry Research and Extension
Director: Peter Oudemans
Phone: 609-726-1590
Fax: 609-726-1593
Center Mailing Address: 125A Lake Oswego Rd., Chatsworth, N.J. 08018
pemaruccicenter.rutgers.eduThe Philip E. Marucci Center for Blueberry and Cranberry Research and Extension in Chatsworth (Burlington County) develops and distributes research to ensure the continued production of high-quality blueberries and cranberries. The center develops new cultivars for industry and is researching how to minimize the use of pesticides in the culture of these crops.
Rutgers Agricultural Research and Extension Center (in Upper Deerfield)
Director: Dr. Dan Ward
Phone: 856-455-3100
Fax: 856-455-3133
Center Mailing Address: 121 Northville Rd., Bridgeton, N.J. 08302The Rutgers Agricultural Research and Extension Center in Upper Deerfield (Cumberland County) generates and dispenses research applicable to the production of high-quality vegetable crops, ornamentals, field crops, and tree and small fruits. The center stimulates the production of crops with maximum benefit to the New Jersey economy and minimum risk to the environment.
Center for Turfgrass Science
Director: James Murphy
Phone: 848-932-6326
Fax: 732-932-9377
Office Location: 270 Foran Hall
turf.rutgers.eduThe Center for Turfgrass Science generates and disseminates knowledge, training, and education in the turfgrass sciences by fostering nationally recognized multidisciplinary research; undergraduate, graduate, and continuing professional education; and service programs that support the turfgrass industry.
Clifford E. & Melda C. Snyder Research and Extension Farm - Rutgers Center for Sustainable Agriculture
Interim Director: Peter Nitzsche
Phone: 908-730-9419
Fax: 908-735-8299
Center Mailing Address: 140 Locust Grove Rd., Pittstown, N.J. 08867
snyderfarm.rutgers.eduThe Snyder Research and Extension Farm near Pittstown (Hunterdon County) is Rutgers' center for sustainable agriculture. Snyder Farm initiates and disseminates research applicable to the production of a variety of food and fiber products, including rain crops, tree and small fruits, turfgrass, and ornamentals. The farm's 390 acres provide a valuable capacity to research soil and climate conditions and crops of northern New Jersey.
Waksman Institute for Microbiology
Interim Director: Kenneth Irvine
Phone: 848-445-3425
Fax: 732-445-5736
Location: Waksman Institute, RM 305
waksman.rutgers.eduThe Waksman Institute's mission is to conduct research in microbial molecular genetics, developmental molecular genetics, plant molecular genetics, and structural and computational biology.
Horticultural Farm I
Horticulture Farm I is located on campus in New Brunswick, and houses greenhouses, labs, and field space used by Rutgers’ Hazelnut and Woody Ornamental Breeding Program. The program, which specializes in the genetic improvement of hazelnut (Corylus spp.) and big bracted dogwood (Cornus spp.) is led by Dr. Thomas Molnar, and frequently hires undergraduates to work and conduct research in the lab and field.
Horticultural Farm II
This 32-acre research farm, located in North Brunswick, is dedicated exclusively to turfgrass research and boasts a laboratory-conference building, a 5,000 sq. ft. equipment storage facility, over 100,000 sq. ft. of bentgrass turf, a rain-out shelter, and an excellent field crew. Turfgrass research includes turf breeding, management, pathology, entomology, and physiology. The farm provides near-campus employment and research opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students.
Stephen And Lucy Chang Science Library
Library Supervisor: Nita Mukherjee
Phone: 848-932-5085
Fax: 732-932-0311
Location: 59 Dudley Road, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901-8520
The Stephen And Lucy Chang Science Library is located on the first floor of Foran Hall, on Cook Campus. The principle focus of the Chang Science Library is support the teaching and research programs of the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences. The library's print and digital collections cover the areas of agriculture, animal science, aquaculture and fisheries, bio- resource engineering, environmental studies, food science, human ecology, landscape architecture, marine science, natural resources, nutrition, and plant science.Library of Science and Medicine
Phone: 848-445-3854
Fax: 732-445-5703
Location: 165 Bevier Road
Piscataway, New Jersey 08854-8009
The Library of Science and Medicine (LSM) houses the primary print research collections for the following disciplines: behavioral science, biological science, earth and geological science, engineering, medical science, pharmaceutical science. Research collections serving other disciplines such as agricultural biotechnology, chemistry, mathematics, and physics are held in separate branch libraries. LSM also serves as a depository library for government documents dealing with science, contains a U.S. patent collection and patent search facility, and maintains a large map collection. In 2001 LSM owned over 259,000 monographs, 210,600 bound periodical volumes, approximately 478,000 government documents, 792,000 microform items, thousands of maps, and held subscriptions to over 2600 serials. Thousands of science journals are also accessible online at LSM (and university-wide), and the number continues to grow. Online journal resources in the sciences include major publisher packages such as ScienceDirect, the American Chemical Society journal collection, the American Physical Society collection, the BioOne collection, and many others. Literature searching across the full spectrum of the sciences is supported by access to dozens of databases including Biosis Previews for the life sciences, GeoRef for earth science and geology, IEEE Xplore for engineering, INSPEC for physics, Medline for medicine, PsycInfo for behavioral science, SciFinder Scholar for chemistry, Web of Science for interdisciplinary studies, and numerous others.