Andy Wyenandt

Dr. Andy Wyenandt is an Extension Specialist in Vegetable Pathology located at the Rutgers Agricultural Research and Extension Center (RAREC) in Bridgeton, NJ. Recent research by the vegetable pathology lab includes examining the effects of various fungicide programs on phytophthora blight (Phytophthora capsici) and anthracnose fruit rot (Collectotrichum spp.) control in bell pepper. Our lab is currently evaluating fungicides for the control of basil downy mildew (Peronospora belbahrii), a new and important disease of basil in the United States. In collaboration with Dr. James Simon's lab, a breeding program has been developed to locate sources of resistance to basil downy mildew. Our research program also examines management strategies which help to reduce the potential for fungicide resistance development in vegetable crops. Our role in training and educating growers and extension personnel about the importance of managing fungicide resistance has led to the development of a regional guide, Fungicide Resistance Management Guidelines for Vegetable Crops Grown in the mid-Atlantic Region, which has been distributed to over 30,000 vegetable growers, extension and industry personnel in the region and eastern US since 2007.
Title and Address
Extension Specialist in Vegetable Pathology
Rutgers Agricultural Research & Extension Center (RAREC)
Bridgeton, NJ 08302
Department of Plant Biology
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey