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Plant Biology 765
Few courses are required; a student's curriculum is tailored to his or her interests within general program requirements. For the master's degree without thesis, 31 course credits and 1 credit for a paper are required. For the master's degree with thesis, 26 course credits, 6 research credits, and a research thesis are required. For the doctoral degree, a minimum of 32 course credits plus a minimum of 34 research credits, for a total of 72 credits, a research dissertation, and one academic year in residence are required. There is no language requirement.
In addition to the graduate courses described in A Guide to the Graduate Program in Plant Biology, courses listed under Biochemistry 115, Ecology and Evolution 215, Microbiology and Molecular Genetics 680, Statistics 960, or other appropriate programs may also be taken. Many advanced undergraduate courses (400 level) may be used for graduate credit.
Course number | Course title and syllabus | Instructor | Credits | Semester offered |
16:765:502 | Advanced Plant Physiology | Huang | 3 | Fall Odd |
16:765:510 | Advanced Plant Genetics (58k PDF) | Gallavotti | 3 | Fall Even |
16:765:513 | Plant Molecular Biology (177k PDF) (Cross listed w/126:413) | Maliga | 3 | Fall Odd |
16:765:515 | Fungi & Human Health (Cross listed w/11:776:415) | Bennett, White | 3 | Spring Even |
16:765:522 | Applied Plant Science Statistics | Ward | 3 | Every Fall |
16:765:528 | Advanced Plant Breeding | Bonos, McLoughlin | 3 | Fall Odd |
16:765:529 | Plant Breeding (Cross listed w/11:776:406) | Bonos, Molnar | 4 | Every Spring |
16:765:531 | Principles of Plant Pathology | Oudemans | 3 | Fall Even |
16:765:533 | Advanced Mycology | White | 3 | Spring Even |
16:765:536 | Plant Disease Clinic - Currently not available | 3 | Summer Even | |
16:765:538 | Plant Pathogenesis (20k PDF) | Tumer, Lam | 3 | Spring Odd |
16:765:539 | Advanced Technologies in Bioscience (128k PDF) (Cross listed w/11:126:444) | Tumer | 3 | Spring Even |
16:765:540 | Natural Products & Human Health | Tumer, Bennett | 3 | Fall Odd |
16:765:585 | Bioinformatics (87k PDF) (Cross listed w/11:126:485) | Cohen | 3 | Every Fall |
16:765:600 | Problems in Plant Biology | Gallavotti | BA | Every Summer |
16:765:601 | Problems in Plant Biology | Gallavotti | BA | Every Fall |
16:765:602 | Problems in Plant Biology | Gallavotti | BA | Every Spring |
16:765:603 | Special Topics in Plant Biology | Gallavotti | BA | Every Fall and Summer |
16:765:604 | Special Topics in Plant Biology | Gallavotti | BA | Every Spring |
16:765:609 | Scientific Communication in Plant Biology | TBD | 2 | Fall Odd |
16:765:621 | Core Seminar in PB I (Seminar corresponding with Core Course - Plant Molecular Biology 16:765:513) | Maliga | 1 | Spring Even |
16:765:622 | Core Seminar in PB II (Seminar corresponding with Core Course - Advanced Plant Physiology 16:765:502) | Both, Heckman | 1 | Spring Odd |
16:765:623 | Core Seminar in PB III (Seminar corresponding with Core Course - Principles of Plant Pathology 16:765:531) | Kobayashi | 1 | Fall Odd |
16:765:624 | Core Seminar in PB IV (Seminar corresponding with Core Course - Plant Breeding 16:765:529) | Bonos, Molnar | 1 | Fall Even |
16:765:625 | Core Seminar in PB V (Seminar corresponding with Core Course - Natural Products & Human Health 16:765:540) | Bennett, Tumer | 1 | Spring Even |
16:765:699 | Non-Thesis Study | Gallavotti | 1 | Fall/Spring/Summer Every |
16:765:701 | Research Plant Biology (Indiv. Res. project) | Advisors | BA | Fall/Summer Every |
16:765:702 | Research Plant Biology (Indiv Res. project) | Advisors | BA | Spring/Summer Every |
16:765:800 | Matriculation Contd | Gallavotti | BA | Spring |
16:765:811 | Graduate Fellowship | Gallavotti | 0 | Fall/Spring Every |
16:765:866 | Full GA Appointment - Prefix E | Gallavotti | 6 | Fall/Spring Every |
16:765:867 | Full GA Appointment - Prefix E | Gallavotti | 3 | Fall/Spring Every |
16:765:877 | Full GA Appointment - Prefix E | Gallavotti | 6 | Fall/Spring Every |
16:765:878 | Full GA Appointment - Prefix E | Gallavotti | 3 | Fall/Spring Every |
Program Director

Dr. Andrea Gallavotti
Professor, Plant Biology Graduate Program Director
The Waksman Institute of Microbiology
190 Frelinghuysen Road
Piscataway, NJ 08854-8020