Tiemi Curry

Tiemi Nakamura Curry is a Research Associate in the Plant Biology Department. Born in Brazil where she received a B.S. in Science and a B.S. in Biology at Catholic University, Campinas, Sao Paulo, Dr. Curry obtained the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Agricultural Science at Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan. Dr. Curry's research focuses on plant tissue culture, a micro-propagation technique which allows exact copies to be made of "parent" plants selected for certain desirable characteristics such as disease resistance, unusual color, number of flowers, etc. This cutting-edge process adds considerable value to the array of research technologies offered by Rutgers. She has presented 20 papers at scientific conferences and published 31 articles in various scientific journals. In addition to her research, Dr. Curry is the primary instructor for the weekly 3-hour laboratory in Plant Tissue Culture, and she teaches the Plant Tissue Culture lab for the Introduction to Horticulture course.
Title and Address
Research Associate
Department of Plant Biology
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey