Matthew Elmore

Matt Elmore joined the Rutgers faculty on November 1 as the new weed science extension specialist in turfgrass, landscapes, pastures and forages. Matt earned his B.S. in Turfgrass Science from Penn State University before moving south and earning an M.S. and Ph.D. from the University of Tennessee with a focus in turfgrass weed control. Prior to joining Rutgers, Matt was a Turfgrass Extension Specialist for Texas A&M AgriLife in Dallas, TX where his research efforts explored new strategies to control problematic weeds and reduce irrigation inputs in turfgrass. His program at Rutgers will focus on novel strategies to control weeds with fewer pesticide inputs. The program will also focus significant efforts to developing alternatives to synthetic pesticides and understanding the influence of management practices on weed competitiveness.
Title and Address
Associate Extension Specialist
Department of Plant Biology
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey