Ming-Yi Chou

Ming-Yi Chou joined the department in April 2023 as a Turfgrass Pathologist. His extension program focuses on evaluating and developing efficient cool-season turfgrass disease management measures, including cultural practices, disease prediction models, synthetic fungicides, and biorational agents targeting diseases important to the Northeast such as dollar spot, brown patch, anthracnose, and summer patch. His research efforts are centered on plant-soil-microbiome interactions in turfgrass, with an emphasis on how these interactions and coevolution collectively contribute to disease suppression.
Ming-Yi completed his Ph.D. in Horticultural Biology at Cornell University, and received his post-doctoral training successively in University of Wisconsin-Madison and Great Lakes Bioenergy Center in Michigan State University studying plant-soil-microbe interaction with emphases on pathogen suppression microbes in turfgrass and beneficial microbes for bioenergy crops. Prior to joining Rutgers, he was a Research Scientist in turfgrass pathology program at University of Wisconsin-Madison, examining dollar spot suppressive microbiome and building snow molds predictive models.
Title and Address
Assistant Extension Specialist
Department of Plant Biology
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences,
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey