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Department of Plant Biology


My recent research interests and projects revolve around the use and evaluation of alternative waters (saline, reclaimed, graywater) for irrigation of ornamental crops (nursery, greenhouse) and urban landscapes. We are also evaluating strategies to optimize the fertilization and nutrient management of high-value ornamental nursery/greenhouse crops, including the recently re-introduce industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa). Other research interests and activities include studies on integrative plant and crop physiology and mineral nutrition; soilless (substrate and hydroponics) crop production; irrigation water quality; salinity tolerance; nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency and fertilization pollution impacts.

My involvement in extension education programs focus on the rational use and management of water and fertilizer inputs in green industry activities (nursery, greenhouse, landscape). The overarching objectives are to assist growers and landscapers to adopt best management practices that sustain productivity, quality and performance of their crops/plants while minimizing environmental impacts. Extension educational activities include delivery of bilingual (English-Spanish) programs and materials across the region, nationally and internationally.

Title and Address

Associate Extension Specialist in Nursery Production & Management
Department of Plant Biology
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences,
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Rutgers Agricultural Research and Extension Center
Bridgeton, NJ 08302