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Plant Protection and Biotic and Abiotic Interactions
- Faculty -

Faculty Involvement and Their Active Research Focus

Faith Belanger Endophytes; disease resistance
Joan Bennett Fungal genetics; fungal volatiles
Ming-Yi Chou Turfgrass Pathology, microbial ecology, multi-omic, fungicide efficacy
Rong Di Plant pathology; molecular biology; plant biotechnology; CRISPR-gene editing to engineer disease resistance and stress tolerance
Joseph Heckman Soil and nutrition management, organic agriculture and gardening
Brad Hillman Fungal viruses; bacterial/fungal interactions; plant virology
Don Kobayashi Plant bacteriology; bacterial/fungal interactions
Norm Lalancette Tree fruit pathology; epidemiology; disease management and control
Mike Lawton Disease resistance; plant host responses
Jim Murphy Best management practices for turf and edaphology
Peter Oudemans Small fruit pathology; disease management and control
Lena Struwe Lichenology
Nilgun Tumer Antiviral proteins; plant and fungal toxins
Jim White Endophytes (fungal and bacterial)
Andy Wyenandt Vegetable pathology and disease management and control
Ning Zhang Fungal biodiversity, phylogenetics and genomics; microbiomes associated with turfgrass and bioenergy plants; and molecular diagnosis of plant pathogens.
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