Extension and Outreach Highlights
- Working with small-holder farmers and vulnerable rural communities in sub-Sahara Africa to improve cultivation, marketing, and sales of plant-based natural products for the cosmetic, flavor, fragrance, medicinal plant and dietary supplemental industries
- Training courses in Screens-to-Nature technology for botanical therapeutics discovery in 13 developing countries and organizing international seminars dedicated to plants and human health
- Improving nutrition and health in Zambia
- Validating ethnobotanical knowledge of Native Americans in Alaska and North Dakota
- Training courses in the commercialization of natural products (botanicals and medicines)
- Training of methods in vouchering of source materials in ethnobotanical and medicinal plant studies
- Improving nutritional and/or sensory properties of plants
- Working with US growers to improve their production of health promoting herbs and in the introduction of ethnic vegetables, greens and herbs
- Introducing new nutritionally rich plants
- Improving the aroma and horticultural and post-harvest characteristics of culinary herbs
- Educating gardeners and the public on the role of plants in human health and medicine
- Participating in community outreach programs about issues relating to indoor mold exposure
Collaborative Research Projects and Centers
- ASNAPP, Agribusiness in sustainable natural plant products (www.asnapp.org)
- Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation-funded project on improving nutrition and health in Zambia (with North Carolina State University and University of Zambia)
- Chrysler Herbarium, Rutgers (herbarium.rutgers.edu)
- EOSHI, Environmental & Occupational Health Sciences Institute, Rutgers University-UMDNJ (eohsi.rutgers.edu)
- GIBEX.org, Global Institute for Bioexploration (gibex.org)
- GIBEX-related contacts and projects with universities in 26 countries (with University of North Caroliana and University of Illinois)
- National Center for Botanicals and Metabolic Syndrome, with Louisiana State University (ods.od.nih.gov/Research/Dietary_Supplement_Research_Centers.aspx)
- Native American Health and Government Organizations in Alaska on traditional botanical knowledge and communal health, with University of North Carolina
- NIH T32 Training Grant in Botanical Approaches to Combat Metabolic Syndrome, with Louisiana State University
- NUANPP, New Use Agriculture and Natural Plant Products Program (newuseag.rutgers.edu)
- PFID/NP, Partnership for Food Industry Development/ Natural Products
- Rutgers' Initiative on Sensory Sciences and Innovation
- United Tribes Technical College in North Dakota on traditional botanical knowledge, with University of North Carolina
- NIH/FIRCA award, Interaction of ricin A chain with the ribosomal stalk with Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Poland