Certificate in Horticultural Therapy (34–37 credits)

The profession of horticultural therapy employs plants, gardens, and greenhouses as tools for treating mental, physical, and social disabilities. The profession requires the integration of plant systems and culture techniques with human psychology and health. This program, which is fully accredited by the American Horticultural Therapy Association (AHTA), will enable students to pursue professional registration through AHTA.
For additional information, please contact Gary Altman at (848) 932-6321 or gla32@sebs.rutgers.edu, or Dr. Nrupali Patel at npatel@sebs.rutgers.edu.
Required courses (27 Credits)
Group I: Horticultural Therapy Course Requirements (9)
11:776:225 Horticultural Therapy: Concept and Skills (3)
11:776:325 Horticultural Therapy: Techniques and Programming (3)
11:776:201 People-Plant Relationships (3)
Group II: Human Science course Requirements (9)
01:830:101 General Psychology (3)
01:830:340 Abnormal Psychology (3)
01:830:271 Principles of Developmental Psychology (Human lifespan development) (3)
Group III: Horticulture course Requirements (9)
776:211 Introduction to Horticulture (3)
776:310 Plant Propagation (3)
776:391 Weeds, Diseases and Insects of Plants (3) OR 11:350:370 Agricultural Entomology and Pest Management (Disease and Pest Management) (3)
Electives (6–7 Credits)
Group II Elective: (Choose one from the list below) (3)
01:830:371 Group Dynamics (3)
01:830:335 Adult Development and Aging (3)
Group III Elective: (Choose one from the list below) (3–4)
11:776:302 General Plant Pathology (3)
11:776:321 Greenhouse Systems Management (3)
11:776:439 Nursery Crop Production (3)
11:550:235 Herbaceous Plants in the Landscape (Plant Materials) (3)
11:550:340 Planting Design (Landscape Design) (4)
Internship (1–3 Credits)
11:776:495/496 Special Problems in Plant Science (1–3)