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Tracks in the Graduate Program

Students in the Plant Biology Program may choose from four research and curriculum tracks:

  1. Molecular and Cellular Biology/Genomics
  2. Plant Breeding and Genomics
  3. Horticulture and Plant Technology
  4. Plant Pathology
  5. Natural Products and Human Health

Specific curricular requirements for each student are developed within the general program requirements by his or her committee, with approval by the track coordinator and program director. The tracks are interwoven in that members of the graduate faculty may be members of more than one track and students are encouraged to take courses in more than one track area.

Students in the molecular and cellular biology/genomics track may specialize in biocontrol of pests and pathogens, biofuels and bioenergy, biotechnology and crop improvements, biotic and abiotic stress/interactions with the environment, circadian control, genetic control of plant development, metabolomics/primary and secondary metabolism, natural products and human health, programmed cell death/senescence and fruit ripening, plant diversity/anatomy/evolution and biogeography, interactiosn with pathogenic and symbiotic microbes, plastid molecular genetics, structural/functional and computational genomics, transcriptional and post-trnacsriptional gene regulation.

Students in the plant breeding and genomics track have the opportunity to study a broad range of topics related to plant breeding from cultivar development, tissue culture, gene mapping, biochemical mechanisms to the latest discoveries in plant genomics and bioinformatics. The plant breeding faculty conduct research on an array of differenct traits, including but not limited to, higher quality and greater yield of fruit, fiber and other plant consituents, resistance to biotic stresses caused by disease and insect pests, resistance to abiotic stresses such as heat and drought, and specialty products such as novel fatty acids, proteins and other plant metabolites.Students will gain experience on a diverse range of vegetable, horticultural and pomological crops including specialty crops like cranberry, blueberry, hazlenuts, dogwoods, hollies, turgrasses, peaches, apples, tomatoes and biofuels. Students will gain experience with both traditional and DNA-based marker-facilitated selection schemes. Studens will gain credentials that are desired to directo or lead plant breeding research at private companies or public institutions. Work experience on the various plant breeding projects often is available for students majoring in plant breeding.

The horticulture and plant technology track focuses on agricultural biotechnology, genetics, plant physiology, weed science, plant systematic, plant-microbe interactions, turfgrass science, crop science in agronomic crops and biofuels, horticultural science in fruits, vegetables, flowers and tree crops.

Among the issues that students in the plant pathology track may address are host/pathogen interactions, epidemiology and control of plant disease, plant virology, bacteriology, mycoplasmology, mycology, molecular biology of plant pathogenic or endophytic microorganisms, and biotechnology.

In the Natural Products and Human Health track, students are to study basics mechanisms of Natural products, mode of action and toxicity. Discover, identify, and characterize bioactive from plant and fungi through multidisciplinary approaches. Develop novel uses for natural products as medicines, foods, cosmetics, dietary supplements and crop protection agent.

The list below categorizes each faculty according to their respective track(s). Names in bold indicate track coordinators.

Molecular & Cell Biology
Faith Belanger Joan W. Bennett
Paul Falkowski Andrea Gallavotti
Eric Lam Donald Kobayashi
Thomas Leustek Michael Lawton
Pal Maliga Ilya Raskin
James Simon Lena Struwe
Nilgun Tumer Ning Zhang

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Plant Pathology
Faith Belanger Joan W. Bennett
Ming-Yi Chou Ann Gould
Donald Kobayashi Norman Lalancette
Eric Lam Michael Lawton
Peter Oudemans James Polashock
Nilgun Tumer James White
C. Andrew Wyenandt Ning Zhang

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Plant Breeding and Genomics
Stacy Bonos Bingru Huang
Eric Lam Peter Oudemans
Gina Sideli James Simon
Lena Struwe Nilgun Tumer
Ning Zhang  

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Horticulture & Plant Technology
Stacy Bonos A.J. Both
Edward Durner Joseph Goffreda
Jason Grabosky Joseph Heckman
Bingru Huang Thomas Molnar
James Murphy Mark Robson
James Simon Lena Struwe

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Natural Products and Human Health
Sonia Arora Joan W. Bennet
Rong Di Rodolfo Juliani
Xiao-Ping Li John McLaughlin
Paul Meers Ilya Raskin
Mark Robson James Simon
Lena Struwe Nilgun Tumer
Qing-Li Wu  

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Program Director

Dr. Andrea Gallavotti
The Waksman Institute of Microbiology, Rm. A2037
Office Phone: 848-445-6421
Email: agallavotti